To trigger sustainable Economic development and contribute to job creation, the policy priorities of Governments, Central Banks and corporate entities should strengthen competitiveness, attract foreign direct investment, and lay the foundations for a more export-oriented growth agenda. The 2016 Thessaloniki Summit will gather a group of regional and international prominent experts and policy makers from all around the world. They will deliberate on various aspects of regional policy and its link to economic growth and review country experiences. Participants will include policymakers, Academics, C-level executives and business experts to discuss on the combination of policies that could help “unlock” the virtuous circle of development and strengthen convergence dynamics with the EU which are crucial for the road to economic recovery in Southeast Europe.
If you wish to participate in the Thessaloniki Summit 2016, please complete the attached Participation Form and return it either by fax 0030 2310 5341933 or by email:
Εφόσον επιθυμείτε να συμμετάσχετε στη Σύνοδο της Θεσσαλονίκης (2016 Thessaloniki Summit), θα πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε το συνημμένο Έντυπο Συμμετοχής και να το αποστείλετε είτε με fax. 2310 541933, είτε με email: